5 Characteristics of mature cheeses from Salinerito

Many will wonder what makes Salinerito mature cheeses different from other brands? Well, here we tell you the simple but important things that make a big difference.

The special characteristics of these products are very noticeable in their flavors, textures and aromas, but also in the people and in the care with which they are made.
These cheeses have unique character and personality in Ecuador, because in Salinerito, since 1978 we have practiced the art of making good cheeses. Although the mature cheeses are not native to these lands, but rather, they are mostly of European origin, we have been able to wisely adapt this technology to our conditions, making them take root in the Ecuadorian Andes through an interesting miscegenation process, giving As a result, good quality artisanal cheeses.
We have a variety of cheeses with unique characteristics: firm, semi-soft, or creamy textures, elastic and flexible, fruity or dry wood aromas, mild or acid flavors with spicy touches, depending on the maturation time.

Making good cheese is our pride!

The secret is not in the rennet and ferments, these can be found freely in the market, since they are not exclusive to the brand. The uniqueness is in the process, the raw material and the environment.
  1. The community cheese factories are located in the highlands, communities that range from 3,000 to 4,200 meters above sea level, very close to the plots of the producing partners. Freshly milked and fresh milk with all its characteristics intact is available daily.
  2. Brown Swiss and Jersey cattle breeds predominate, and they withstand the inclemencies of the highlands well. They feed on fresh pastures such as Rye Grass, Blue Grass and Clover, which gives us a milk with a high content of fat, protein and calcium, ideal for making mature cheeses and butter.
  3. The cows are cared for in free grazing and milking is manual, so the animal is not exposed to stress or captivity. We have high quality milk from happy cows.
  4. The elaboration of the cheese is manual and artisanal, without the addition of preservatives, flavorings, or stabilizers. Many of the community cheese factories are small, therefore their equipment and production processes are basic, always complying with technical and sanitary standards.
  5. The rest time in the maturation chambers is respected for each type of cheese, thus acquiring its unmistakable characteristics of smell, flavor and texture, where the combination of temperature, humidity and air circulation create the perfect atmosphere for its maturation.

Thus, we come to have exquisite cheeses, which you can enjoy in different ways: in traditional cuisine recipes, taste accompanied by a good wine, bread and olives, with nuts, fresh and dehydrated fruits, jams and in short... they are very versatile and combinable.
Making good cheese is our pride, and nature has given us the ideal climate and environment to produce it with love for you.

Discover the wide variety of Salinerito products, visiting our online store.

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