Comprometidos con Nuestra Comunidad

Nuestro éxito se basa en la responsabilidad social, que va más allá de un solo proyecto o iniciativa: se trata de retribuir a la sociedad a través de programas de desarrollo sostenibles que tienen como objetivo mejorar la calidad de vida de quienes más lo necesitan.

Historia de la Organización

La Fundación Familia Salesiana Salinas nace de la idea de apoyar la labor pastoral desplegada por más de 50 años por parte del P. Antonio Polo como representante en Salinas de la Misión Salesiana “San Francisco Javier” al norte de la provincia Bolívar y de la Sociedad Salesiana en el Ecuador.

El objetivo de la Fundación se encamina a la prestación de servicios sociales y pastorales a la población vulnerable de Salinas y sus comunidades, mediante la creación de actividades productivas diversas para generar empleo, entre las que se incluye el turismo y otras enfocadas al mejoramiento a la calidad educativa, teniendo como referente principal el sistema preventivo.

Pese a que el trabajo con estilo Salesiano ha cumplido más de medio siglo en Salinas, no fue sino con el aporte de ex-voluntarios ecuatorianos que se comenzó con la institucionalización del servicio a la población. En 1992 en casa de Luis González, fueron los inicios de la oficina operativa de la Misión Salesiana. Allí nació formalmente la administración de la panadería, fábrica de chocolates, mermeladas y turrones y se ejecutaron varios proyectos como la construcción de capillas.

En 1995 invitados por P. Antonio, se conforma el Núcleo Animador de la Misión Salesiana, posteriormente se llamó Familia Salesiana; lo conforman los exvoluntarios y salineros cercanos a la actividad pastoral. Se realizan reuniones en la casa de cada uno de los miembros, se apoya la gestión del Hogar Masculino con charlas y encuentros de motivación. Con ayudas de amigos se construye una extensión de la casa parroquial para la implementación de la oficina de proyectos de la Misión y en julio de 1997, a raíz de la ejecución del proyecto con el Fondo Canadiense de Desarrollo, se inicia la atención a los usuarios en su flamante edificio.

Luego de varias consultas y deliberaciones, se orienta la legalización de la personería jurídica de la Familia Salesiana hacia la figura jurídica de Fundación, por sus características operativas y legales. Se presenta los estatutos en el año 2000 al entonces Ministerio de Bienestar Social (MBS) y se consigue su reconocimiento, el 1 de febrero del 2002 con Acuerdo Ministerial N° 0486 siendo el Lic. Carlos Méndez su primer Director.

Una fortaleza especifica de Salinas en todos estos años, es la construcción de una amplia gama de vinculaciones: académicas (colegios y universidades), socio políticas (alcaldías, consejos provinciales, etc), organizacionales (fundaciones, organizaciones campesinas, etc), comerciales (consorcios), turísticas, etc.

El centro de la memoria SALINAS YUYAY recopila material histórico, ancestral y recientes, para documentar el proceso de desarrollo comunitario y favorecer su difusión. La Fundación favorece pasantías, semanas académicas y voluntariados del Sur para el Sur.

Una comunidad Productiva

La Fundación Familia Salesiana Salinas cuenta con varias actividades productivas para el autofinanciamiento de su labor social como la fábrica de confites (elaboración de pasta de cacao, turrones de maní y macadamia, mermelada de mortiño, chocolates en diferentes presentaciones y sabores), la fábrica de Aceites Esenciales (infusiones, pomadas, aceites esenciales de diferentes plantas, shampoo, entre otros); taller experimental de Alimentos Procesados (soya y sus derivados, mermeladas de frutas autóctonas, confites, fideos, galletas, manjar, etc.).

Conozca nuestra Oficina Principal

Las oficinas administrativas de la Fundación Familia Salesiana Salinas están ubicadas en la parroquia de Salinas, en el cantón Guaranda de la Provincia de Bolívar.

La dirección está en la calle al Calvario s/n y Samilagua.

Join the social impact

Your volunteering starts here

 2 weeks on  Salinas- Guaranda- Ecuador 

The El Salinerito Corporation has been a cornerstone of the community, contributing to the social, economic, and cultural well-being of various populations. As part of our mission to transform lives and promote the comprehensive development of our community, we have designed an inclusive volunteer program that seeks to engage citizens in building a more just, equitable, and compassionate society.

This program offers various opportunities for those who wish to make a meaningful contribution to improving the quality of life for those in need, focusing on key areas such as medicine, education, art, dance, and the empowerment of women and youth. Through active and selfless participation, volunteers will have the chance to make a real impact on the lives of others while enriching their own personal and professional growth.

Below, we outline the different areas of the volunteer program and the opportunities available for those who wish to join this cause.

Volunteers are provided accommodation with a host family or in a hotel. Staying with a local family you will experience the local culture, 
Salinas customs and the Ecuadorian way of life. Volunteers stay in shared rooms with other volunteers. The accommodations are clean and comfortable, access to wifi, hot shower.

What are you paying for?

.Comprehensive pre-daparture guide
.Assistance from support staff and incountry program coordination
.Airport pickup from Guayaquil’s airport.
.Orientation and walking city tour.
.Accommodation  a homestay private bedroom or in a share bedroom in a hotel
.Placement Project in Salinas de Guaranda.
.Meals at the accomodation from Monday to Friday
.Transportation and tour guide

. Entrance ticket and workshop cost (afternoon activities from Monday to Friday)

What is NOT included?

. International Airfare

. Travel Insurance

. Vaccinations

. Any other ersonal expenses

. Meals on Saturday and Sundays


When you choose to volunteer with us, just pack your bags, arrive and let us take of everything, airport transfers, stay, meals, and tours. All you have to do is being there.

A half day orientation will be provided by our local coordinators. Areas like culture, locations, transportation, safety and volunteer placements are given during the orientation.

Volunteers are provided with three cooked meals a day from (Monday-Friday). Meals vary from day to day and generally include soups, vegetable salad, rice, potatoes, juice, etc.

Volunteers are free to visit and see places or do shopping during their free time. 

Medical Volunteer Program

The main goal of the medical volunteer program is to improve access to healthcare in vulnerable communities by providing support in clinics, hospitals, and health promotion activities. Volunteers in this program will participate in tasks such as patient support, organization of health campaigns, and assistance with health education activities.



Patient Support: Volunteers will assist patients during medical visits, facilitating communication between patients and healthcare professionals. They will also provide emotional support, especially for those facing chronic or severe illnesses.

Prevention Campaigns: Participation in awareness campaigns on common diseases, infection prevention, and promotion of healthy habits.

Support in Clinics and Hospitals: Volunteers will assist in organizing and managing resources within healthcare facilities, working with medical and administrative staff to ensure efficient and orderly service delivery.

Educational Talks: Collaboration in delivering educational sessions on basic medical topics, hygiene, mental health, and disease prevention.


Basic or intermediate training in medicine, nursing, psychology, or related fields (volunteers without professional training are welcome, with a commitment to undergo training).

Commitment to health work ethics and respect for patients’ rights.

Volunteer Program in Education for Children

This program aims to improve the educational quality of children in vulnerable situations, providing them with tools for academic, emotional, and social development. Volunteers will work closely with children, assisting in their schoolwork and offering activities that foster creativity and learning.



Academic Support: Helping children with school assignments and projects, focusing on subjects such as mathematics, language, science, and reading.

Skills Workshops: Organizing workshops to develop non-academic skills, such as conflict resolution, teamwork, and effective communication.

Extracurricular Activities: Organizing recreational activities, such as sports, games, and crafts, to promote teamwork and social skills.

Emotional Guidance: Providing emotional support to help children cope with family, school, or personal difficulties, offering a safe space for expression and reflection.


Basic training in education, pedagogy, or related fields.

Positive attitude and patience to work with children and youth.

Volunteer Program in Art and Dance

This program seeks to foster creative expression, especially for those without access to cultural resources. Through art and dance, volunteers will help strengthen participants’ self-esteem, offering them a means of escape, enjoyment, and personal growth.



Art Workshops: Organizing workshops in painting, sculpture, photography, and other forms of artistic expression, allowing participants to explore their creativity while developing technical and artistic skills.

Dance Classes: Offering dance classes in various styles and techniques, from contemporary dance to folk dance, focusing on both technique and the development of confidence and body expression.

Exhibitions and Performances: Helping organize art and dance exhibitions and performances, giving participants the chance to showcase their skills to the community and reinforcing their sense of belonging and pride.

Community Projects: Collaborating on community mural projects or cultural events that integrate various art and dance forms into the local context.


Knowledge or experience in an artistic or dance discipline.

Creativity and the ability to work with people of different ages and cultural backgrounds.

. Women and Youth Empowerment Program

This program aims to provide women and youth with the tools they need to become agents of change in their communities. Empowerment will be achieved through training activities, leadership development, job skills workshops, and the creation of support networks.



Leadership Workshops: Facilitating workshops that promote leadership among women and youth, encouraging them to make informed decisions and actively participate in their community.

Job Skills Training: Offering practical workshops on skills like resume writing, job interview preparation, negotiation, and entrepreneurship.

Support Networks: Forming support and mentoring groups where women and youth can share experiences, receive advice and motivation, and build valuable connections for personal and professional growth.

Awareness Activities: Organizing talks and educational events on topics like gender equality, sexual and reproductive health, and human rights, promoting informed and responsible decision-making.

Empowerment Events: Celebrating participants’ achievements through events that recognize their efforts, boosting their self-esteem and motivation.


Experience in social work, psychology, community development, or related fields.

Commitment to women’s rights and gender equality.

Opportunities for International Volunteers

The El Salinerito Corporation also offers international volunteer opportunities, allowing people from around the world to join our causes. International volunteers can participate in the programs described above, as well as in specific projects addressing global needs such as environmental sustainability, infrastructure development, and strengthening healthcare systems in rural communities.


Interest in working on social and community development projects.

Adaptability and willingness to work in a culturally diverse environment.


Day 1 (day): Arrival in Ecuador 

Our coordinator will be there at Guayaquil’s airport to (bring you to ?) the accomodation. There will be an Orientation (meeting might be better) Session at (to choose) so try to take a flight that arrives in the morning.

 Day 2 (Monday)

You will be volunteering at the program of
your choice from  8 to 12pm. Workshop at
the Chocolate Factory El Salinerito. Learn how to make chocolate from zero.

 Day 3 (Tuesday)

Volunteer Work from 8 to 12pm. In the afternoon, tour a la Laguna de los Sueños y Farrallones de Tiagua y El Calvario.

 Day 4 (Wednesday)

Volunteer work from 8 to 12. In the afternoon, tour The Cheese Factories.

 Day 5 (Thursday)

Volunteer work from 8 to 12. In the afternoon, tour to The Museum Yuyay and to the salt wáter spring.

 Day 6 (Friday)

Volunteer work from 8 to 12. Tour to the Thread and Textile Factory.

Day 7 and 8 (Saturday and Sunday) 

Tour to the waterfall, to the brown sugar factory, hiking and camping at the Chasojuan Community.

Day 9 (Monday)

Volunteer work from 8 to 12. Tour to the Factory of dehydrated mushrooms, fruits and plants.

Day 10 (Tuesday)

Volunteer work from 8 to 12. Tour the community Yurauksha to observe local crafts and the manufacture of sausages made from llama meat.

Day 11 (Wednesday)

Volunteer work from 8 to 12. Tour to the soccer ball factory and to the natural oil factory.

 Day 12 (Thursday)

Volunteer work from 8 to 12. Tour to observe the sunset.

Day 13 (Friday)

Volunteer work from 8 to 12. Tour to the soy derivatives factory.

 Day 14 and 15 (Saturday and Sunday)

Farewell tour and dropped off at the airport.


Every day of the year

Contact Email

Productos de Nuestras Empresas Sociales

Parte del aporte de la Fundación Familia Salesiana Salinas son las empresas sociales: Confites el Salinerito, Aceites Esenciales y Alisalinas. Cada una de ellas representa una oportunidad de crecimiento por las oportunidades que brinda a los miembros de la comunidad que son parte de ellas.

Confites El Salinerito

Productos elaborados a base de cacao como tabletas de chocolate; grageas de almendras, pasas, uvilla y café; bombones y turrones.

Aceites Esenciales

Aceites esenciales de pino, ciprés, eucalipto, hierba luisa, palo santo, etc. En combinación de varias plantas aromáticas y medicinales.


Productos elaborados a base de subproductos de soya, manjar de leche de soya, galletas, soya confitada y mermeladas con frutas autóctonas.

Crear un Impacto Positivo Proyectos Sociales

El Gruppo Salinas a través de la Fundación Familia Salesiana Salinas lleva a cabo proyectos sociales en diferentes ámbitos. La idea principal es cubrir diferentes áreas relacionadas a las necesidades de las comunidades de Salinas de Guaranda.


Se llevan a cabo proyectos de asesoramiento técnico para mejorar la calidad de cultivos que se comercializan en la zona.


Donación de diferentes tipos de ganado para mejorar genéticamente el ganado existente y con esto la producción láctea existente.


Apoyo técnico en la construcción de invernaderos, queseras, casas turísticas y comunales para mejorar la calidad de vida de comuneros.

Trabajo Comunitario

Trabajo con voluntarios en proyectos de evangelización, formación de líderes, bienestar de adultos mayores, salud física y mental.