Community Development Our Priority

We focus on strengthening the capacities of grassroots organizations, prioritizing socio-organizational strengthening; in addition to promoting agro-industrial development, closely linked to the technical assistance provided and support and accompaniment in the area of entrepreneurship.

history of the Organization

It was founded in 1982, initially hosting 18 grassroots peasant organizations, to support long-standing work to disseminate the cooperative model in the parish's communities, which would later be extended to cover areas even outside the provincial territory, supporting nearly 35 communities.

We work to improve the lives of Ecuadorian peasants and indigenous peoples through technological support, leadership, training and education in the values of the Solidarity Economy.

Initiatives of Growth

We are knowledgeable about the local and national reality, and thanks to this knowledge we have developed services that allow us to fulfill the mission we have as a foundation. The following are some of the areas in which we work, providing support to the Salinera community:

  • Project Formulation, Evaluation and Execution.
  • Systematization of projects.
  • Associative marketing.
  • Achieving certifications and quality standards.
  • Administration and accounting for SMEs.
  • Training of leaders.
  • Socio-organizational monitoring.
  • Microcredit, an instrument to support communities and self-management through interest.
  • Technical assistance, training and vocational development.
  • Environmental protection.
  • Development of agroindustry, giving added value to the raw materials existing in the area and creating sources of employment.
  • Solidarity support in emergencies

Alliances that bring us together They Make Strong

Funorsal is a creative and innovative institution with years of experience that has been part of important projects that have promoted the growth of the Salineras communities. The Foundation has established alliances with national and international institutions, thanks to which it has been possible to carry out different projects that have promoted the growth of our community.

Funorsal has managed to have different national and international institutions, thanks to these alliances it has been possible to execute projects that promote the growth of the Salinera community.

know our Main office

The administrative offices of the Union of Peasant Organizations Foundation of Salinas, Funorsal They are located in the parish of Salinas, in the Guaranda canton of the Province of Bolívar.

The address is on Los Incas and Tibospungo street s/n.

Contact Information


Together we are worth more and We can do more

By consuming the products that our affiliated organizations produce, you help the growth of the Salinas de Guaranda community, have a direct connection with the producers in our city or buy online: