Together we sow Trust

In Ecuador, we are the first Savings and Credit Cooperative that serves the rural sector and that has been working to implement technological solutions to provide better services to the community. We also have a virtual platform and an ATM.

history of the Organization

CoopSalinas was born out of a need: to obtain collective ownership of the salt mines, recovering this fundamental resource for the salt economy that, at that time, was the domain of the people of Córdoba. CoopSalinas was legally established on November 16, 1972. At that time, saving was an act of renewed confidence in the organization that was being formed. The founding members left behind the bitter memory of a savings and credit cooperative that had failed a few years before and decided to trust in the now CoopSalinas.

Maintaining a social focus and offering financial products and services that meet the needs of our members is our Mission.

We are part of the Financial Growth

CoopSalinas is a fundamental part of the development of the inhabitants of the Salinas de Guaranda Community, by providing accessible financial products that can be used for savings and also for the acquisition of land, vehicles or livestock. All these elements together help to improve the financial system of the area and provide well-being to the community.

Coopsalinas manages a Credit Portfolio and a Deposit Portfolio within its product portfolio. Each segment has various products, which are detailed below:

Credit Portfolio

  1. Commercial Segment: Credi-Pymes
  2. Consumer Segment: Credi-Consumption, Credi-Rol, Credi-Auto, Credi-Emergent, Credi-Improvement.
  3. Microcredit Segment: Entrepreneurial Credit, Associative Credit, Livestock Credit, Agricultural Credit, Emerging Credit, Transport Credit.


  1. Savings Segment: Normal Savings, Small Savings, Target Savings, Reserve Funds, Thirteenth, Fourteenth.
  2. Fixed Term Deposits Segment
  3. Restricted Deposits Segment: Savings Lace.

All in one Only Place

CoopSalinas has two agencies and a main office to provide the best service to community members, which are located at:

Guaranda Saltworks Matrix

  • Matiavi Salinas and Cachipamba
  • Phones: (03) 221 0045 / (03) 221 0080

Chazo Juan Agency

  • In front of Central Park
  • Telephone: (03) 303 1821

San Luis Pambil Agency

  • Father Angel Leon and Wilfort Mora
  • Telephone: (03) 265 6044
For more information about each product, visit: