We do it All Ours
Since 2003, TEXAL has become an organization that promotes the social, educational and economic development of women salt workers whose economic activity is the production and marketing of handmade clothing made from natural fibers such as sheep wool and alpaca.
- Organization History
- Production processes
- Location and Contacts
history of the Organization
Since 2003, TEXAL has become an organization that promotes the social, educational and economic development of women salt workers whose economic activity is the production and marketing of handicrafts with natural fibers such as sheep and alpaca wool, paramo straw and cabuya.
The Association began with 15 young women and currently has 110 members who are mothers and divide their time between taking care of the home, their children and making crafts.
Author: Gladys Salazar
We promote the development of The Salt Women
We offer high quality fabrics at competitive prices. Our products are made by artisan hands from the communities of Salinas de Guaranda, always concerned with having quality and durable products.

Get to Know Our Office and Craft Workshop
You will find us in the parish of Salinas, in the Guaranda canton of the Province of Bolívar.
The address is on Tibuspongo and Los Incas streets, in front of the Funorsal office.
Contact Information
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Our Products
The contribution of the Texal Salinas Artisans Social Development Association seeks to promote and offer a space for the development of crafts through the participation of women salt producers in the world.

High quality fabrics based on natural fibers in alpaca and sheep wool.

The cultural wealth of Salinas de Guaranda is reflected in the handmade crafts.